Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Thing about Thinking...

Sleep cut short last night due to a nasty early wake-up by shrill, unwelcome and persistent thoughts - one in particular which I call The Thing.

I tried choosing calm by:
gently thanking my mind for the thought,
letting the thought pass,
labeling the thought as worrying,
brisk walk,
deep breathing,
laughing with the children,
long hot shower (confession: I went well over the 3 minutes today!)
writing down the worrisome things,
cuddling my small dog,
eating Weet Bix with hot milk,
taking action and ticking things off the To Do list (including doing five things I had been dreading and delaying)......

They took the edge off. But really, I wasn't feeling much better. The Stress Reduction Kit (see pic) looked like an option. My head kept getting swamped by The Thing. It loomed over my other thoughts and ideas, casting a long black shadow of doom. If only there was such a thing as a thought eraser.

Then I realised The Thing that was worrying me didn't have to. I looked at it another way. Suddenly I saw that I had built up a massive story of failure, loss, disaster on top of what The Thing is.

The Thing is not great, but it's not that bad either. It's workable. It may even turn out okay. So I can save my catastrophic thinking and feeling for an actual catastrophe.

Feeling free to enjoy the day now....... aaah what a relief.

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