Friday, October 21, 2011

One thing at a time....

Earlier this year I wrote a list of intentions - which I have since proceeded to largely neglect.
Today I put one of them into practice.
With all of the wonderful communications options at hand, I hardly ever call anyone and have a good old chat. Texts fly back and forth, voicemail proliferates and my emails are voluminous. In all of that, there isn't much in the way of conversation.
So how lovely to spend quite a lot of time on the phone today (the good old fashioned land line that is). Different conversations with family, friends and strangers all providing connection, as well as a chance to slow down and pay attention.
In the spirit of my 'one thing at a time' intention, I did not sit at my laptop and answer emails, or unload the dishwasher, or tidy the house.
Absorbing and savouring the conversation I just sat and talked and, very importantly, listened.

The simple Calm Capsule for today is this...
When I do one thing at a time, I feel calmer. 
Who knew ?!  :)

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