Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Calm - Santa Sanity

Okay, so Christmas isn't the most calming time of the year, but there are a few things that can help to minimise the stress. 
I'm going to make this brief because I need to take time out to relax!
The big pressure points are money and time.
Let's start with MONEY. A few golden rules: 
** Stick to a budget. It's easy to get carried away when you get out there in the Christmas scrum.
** Agree to Kris Kringle in your family or friendship group so each person only buys a present for one other person. My family does this by putting the names in a hat and drawing who you buy for. We set a dollar limit and it works. Each person gets a gift and it is something they want and we don't all have to go out and buy tons of stuff for each other. Such a relief. Brilliant!
**  Buy stuff in sales through the year and stash it away. 
Christine Cashen - captures how some of us feel at Christmas!
** Don't upgrade or get sidetracked with extra functions/features. For example my husband wanted a dock for his i-gadget. I found a good one and then got side tracked and ended up looking at multi function centres with much, much bigger price tags. Then I remembered "What am I here for?" He wanted a dock so he could amplify his music. I got a basic model with good sound for a sensible price. Done.
** Forget about what other people are getting. Most of the time they just have bigger credit card debt, it doesn't mean they have a better life than you do or happier kids!
** Condition the kids beforehand so they have reasonable expectations. If they make a list, work with them to keep it realistic so the Christmas day isn't ruined by a major disappointment.
And how about TIME?
** Make the food simple. In my family we each contribute to the banquet. It's easier than one person doing it all each year. Nobody ends up exhausted and everyone likes the food.
** Think about splitting Christmas day into two. We stay home Christmas Day and the kids open their presents in a relaxed way. It is a lovely quiet day that lets them appreciate their gifts and allows us all to relax after an early start. Then we go for family Christmas on Boxing Day. Lovely. This business of overloading the schedule, families rushing around all corners of the state to see other parts of the family, kids being dragged about with exhausted parents.... what's it all for?
** Shop when nobody else is shopping and try to shop where nobody else is shopping. The big shopping centres are often very stressful - no parking, lots of queues, too many options. Shop local and support the family traders in your community. If you do have to visit major shopping centres (and it is hard to avoid, I know) - get in early, get out fast, stay focused.
** Do not go shopping with friends. It is usually best to shop alone.

Remember to eat before you shop. Make sure you have a list. Stick to the budget. Only buy what you need.

Let's re-engineer our Christmas for greater calm.
Wishing you a peaceful and serene festive season. XX

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